Accommodation Education & Life Experiences

Accommodation Education

At 2gether Care, we can provide you with a range of services depending on your goals and needs.

We understand the importance of independence while recognising that there may be certain aspects of life that may be more challenging than others. 

Our team can help to provide you with safe and comfortable housing opportunities, assist with rent budgeting and help to educate you on independent living.

Life Experiences

Our staff are passionate about bringing disability care and support into the community and creating a safe space for participants to grow and build relationships with likeminded individuals.

Our support workers and coordinators can introduce you to disability-specific supports and help to engage you within your community. We understand that job seeking can be a stressful and daunting experience and our goal is to help you as much as we can throughout this process.

Your support provider can help to create resumes and cover letters, link you to employment assistance services, provide you with a range of flexible and appropriate job pathways and offer possible work experience opportunities.

Find out how we can help you!